Kathleen,Torsen and their children walk 105 kilometers for maisha !!
Thank you to Kathleen, Torsten and their three children!!
maisha is grateful to Kathleen Koch and Torsten Bartsch with their three children Kilian, Liam and Maureen for raising over CHF 1,330 to help with the construction of a new home for maisha.
This was done by asking friends and family to sponsor their three children (Kilian 15, Liam 12 and Maureen 9) on their 105-kilometer walk along El Camino de Santiago de Compostella for 6 days. The walk took place during the first week of their Easter vacation. They walked from Pamplona to Logroño, Spain.
Kathleen is grateful that there were “no blisters or other problems - it was simply an amazing week of wonder and nature”.
Congratulations to the family and a big thank you from everyone at maisha for deciding to help us with our building project in this way.